This RP is about a group of rebel Highschoolers. They Skip Class, Do drugs, Drink, Party, Do whatever they want. And NOBODY will stop them. But.. Some of these highschoolers may have secrets..
The dorm is a large house that Rylie's mother moved out of and left her. She had all of her friends move in so she isn't alone. Constant parties and fun are always surrounding this house.
This is the thread users will Roleplay on if they're at a Rave or Party. All of our Raves and Parties are held in the same place. So people come to us. We dont go to them. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Here is where we plan our next party. Since this is a group of Ravers. We have parties all the time. But, Sometimes we run out of ideas. Here you can give me suggestions on the next party.